Featured Manhwa: The God of High School

Hi guys! I'm really sorry I've been MIA most of the time, don't worry I have a new blog post today. By the way, I am also trying out Wordpress now and if you want to check out my other page there I'll leave a link below.

Now, lets talk about the manhwa I’m featuring today. If you are like me and you’re also a big Otaku inside, I’m sure you’ll love the story of “The God of High School”.

The story is set in a modern time and focuses on a certain high school boy named Jin Mori. He believes that he is the strongest man alive and he goes around proving that to everybody. But one day he encounters a man that gave him an invitation to a certain competition for martial arts, just like the movie DOA (Dead or Alive) and that’s where the story really starts.

Jin met a lot of strong opponents and strong friends during the competition, and in the process he also found a lot about who he really was. FYI, don’t go on thinking that this manhwa is as simple as a martial arts story, it goes beyond that! Trust me :)

If ever you decide to read it, I’m sure you’ll instantly get hooked just like what happened to me, with jam packed action and a side dish of laughter you’ll love it in no time. Don’t worry, the story is long with 320 chapters and counting so you won’t immediately feel the sadness you usually feel when your fave manga/manhwa ends sooo soon. Do you feel me? yeah!

Here’s the link, go check it out: Mangafox, WebtoonMangareader

Here’s the link for my other blog page, come visit me there too: Wordpress page

**Disclaimer: Credits to the photos used on this post.



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